The production and machining of steel may cause the emission of unpleasant odours.Over the past years, we have been working on the reduction of the odour load: the number of hours that local residents experience an unpleasant odour. And successfully so, because initial independent measurements show that odour emissions at Coking and Gas Plant 2 and the BOS Plant have been reduced by over 50%. This puts us well on the way towards the intended 85% odour load reduction we aspire to for 2023.
A number of measures has helped us to reduce odour emissions at Coking and Gas Plant 2 by more than 75%, according to initial measurements. We have also made progress at the BOS Plant: odour emissions from firing the steel ladles has been reduced by 50%.In addition, a vapour scrubber has been installed at Pickling line 22. The vapour scrubber washes the acidic vapours that are released during the pickling of steel, lowering odour emissions. We are also considering additional measures to further reduce odour emissions.
We do not base the results on a few measurements only. We will take more measurements to say with certainty for how many fewer hours the unpleasant odour is perceived in the area.
The fact that the odour load is decreasing does not mean that people do not perceive odour. Odour nuisance may be very personal, which is why we would like to hear from you, as a local resident, how you experience it. Our approach is based on the experience of people in the area, which is why we would like to involve the community. We would love to hear from you, for example at our information counter at Zwaanstraat in Wijk aan Zee.
Reducing the impact of odour is high on the agenda of the employees. We are working hard here to further reduce emissions, where possible. In the past year, we delivered a large number of projects: adjustments to existing installations and structural process measures. And they prove to be successful. Measurements by an accredited measurement agency show that odour emissions at this plant have been reduced by more than 75%.
An important modification will be made to the coke chambers, which will be sealed even more tightly. Furnaces that are out of operation have also been found to be a source of odour. We developed a special construction to keep these closed. At the same time, we are rapidly replacing the furnace walls. That will enable us to heat coke more evenly and further reduce odour from this process.
In addition, we adjusted the central pressure control at Coking and Gas Plant 2, which allows us to better control the furnaces. Fewer temperature peaks lead to less odour emission.
Odour emissions at the ladle drying plant of the BOS Plant have been halved since December 2021. Electronic noses on our site are monitoring odour for a longer period of time. Compared to the situation from before the measures, these observed 50% fewer odour components. These positive results match those of the eNoses in the immediate living environment.
At the pickling lines of the Cold Strip Mill, acid vapours are now extracted and washed in a so-called vapour scrubber. To further reduce odour emissions, we have improved the operation of the vapour exhaust system at one of the pickling lines. Furthermore, in December 2021 we installed an additional vapour scrubber. We are currently investigating what else we can do to limit odour.
We will continue unabated with new measures and measures already taken at Coking and Gas Plant 2. We are going to build a new type of ladle drying plant at the BOS Plant. And we are conducting follow-up research at the Pickling lines to further reduce odour emissions.
The results are based on initial measurements or verifications by independent, accredited measurement agencies. View the measurement reports via the link below.
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